The San Diego Ballpark is even more awesome, there's a large picnics area past centre field

Stanton actually hit one in the derby that landed out here. The view from inside is pretty cool.

My seats for the derby were in LF.

This whole section got peppered anytime Stantom or Trumbo were batting. Although when Stanton batted the energy was electric and people were losing their minds anytime a ball came near. Large scrums for balls by over a dozen large men were not uncommon, the crowd went nuts, beers were spilled, furniture was broken, but everyone was enjoying it.
This table and chair died heroes

The Wester Metal sign took a few hits and Stanton and Trumbo both cleared it on multiple occasions

The section that the sign is on is actually an old warehouse made of brick. They left it up and made it part of the ball park.
I go some rv time, I'm in the top row on the right next to the pose

Again I met some cool people. There were a bunch of Cubs fans, real Cubs fans. I had some good conversations with a few of them. A person overhearing a conversation between two Cubs fans would be confused, it starts with what's going good and some optimism. Then someone usual says "well yeah, but they are the Cubs...." Then the conversation gets a little depressing as you talk about the issues and what ifs.
I also met these people

He was drafted by the Yankees a few years ago as a CF but was blocked by Bernie Williams, got injured and had to retire after a brief stint in the minors (if you have to ask who Bernie Williams is....)
Today is one of the funnest experiences I've had at a ball park. Tomorrow I'll stay here and try and find some tickets for the All Star Game. I should probably do some laundry, I'm starting to stink.
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