The day got off to a fun start, there was a ground stop at the Tampa airport due to lighting

We held in the air for 20 minutes going into Atlanta due to weather in the area. I wasn't sure if we were holding or if maybe my colleague Andrew J got hired by the FAA and we were being subject to his radar vectoring skills.

We were less than 5 minutes from deviating to another airport when we got the all clear and landed in Atlanta.

It was a battle of last place teams so I wasn't expecting a large crowd. I was wrong. Not only was it large, they were dancing and singing out by the center field gate.

It took me a while to find my seat. "Where's section 204?" "it's over at the other side of the stadium with the rest of the even numbers"

They had a pretty good run of division titles here

They still do the "tomahawk chop" and there are a few fans running looking like this

Now I am at another airport at 5am and will be flying Detroit for an afternoon game against the Astros, 1st pitch is in 8 hours.